Despite being 16 years old, Tycho still requires plenty of playtime! In fact, last night my sleep suffered because I traveled for Thanksgiving (also why the blog was quiet!) and I didn’t play enough with him when I got home! So at 3am, he decided to crinkle every single crinkle-able toy/tunnel/paper in the living room. All while yowling for good measure. And he’s not sorry he woke me up!
The thing is, Tycho is actually a bit challenging to play with. He’s very particular about what toys he likes and where he likes to play with them. You have to tempt him to chase things in just the right way, or he gets over or under stimulated and just walks away. Gus will happily run around for no reason, chase felt balls thrown haphazardly, or chase feather toys whenever. But not Tycho!
When I first got Tycho, he refused to chase balls or teaser toys (he was very shy as I explained in his origin story!). He would go after the laser pointer a little bit, but he was next to impossible to tempt into playtime. After I had him about a year, I finally found a halloween themed teaser toy from PetSmart that piqued his interest. (Aside: He seems to have a thing for halloween themed toys, as his much loved dog toy is also from the PetSmart halloween bin!)
Anyway, this toy was a little ghoul-like felt figure on an elastic string attached to a stick. He loved it and would go nuts chasing it. For a good year or two, that was his favorite thing in the world! But then one day the elastic caught on his tail while we played, and his favorite toy “chased” him through the apartment. He was traumatized and never wanted to play with that toy again. It broke my heart!
Tycho slowly got over the trauma of being “attacked” by a favorite toy, but it literally took years! For a long time he would only play with me if I had a very specific white feather teaser toy (it had to be the one with the yellow string and only white feathers, nothing else was ok!). But eventually he branched out to being a more normal cat who will chase most things on a stick! (Which is good, because that white feather toy was discontinued, and I ran out despite my best hoarding attempts!)
But he’s still very particular about how we play, and he doesn’t really want to see the person he’s playing with! He much prefers to be able to “hide” from me and attack from concealment. Often that means playing through a cracked door or from around a hallway corner. If you follow the cats on twitter, you’ll know that we recently acquired a bunch of cat tunnels and a cat cube to play with, and Tycho is super happy about that! He can be inside the tunnel or cube and play with me, or he and Gus can play with one cat “hidden”.
Every cat has their quirks, and being very particular about playtime is one of Tycho’s! He definitely lets you know when he hasn’t been properly tired out! It took a while to figure out the best way to get him to enjoy interactive play sessions, and I’m still finding new ways to entertain him. These tunnels are a perfect example. I’ve tried three previous times in the last decade to get him to play with tunnels, and all those tunnels ended up being gifted to other cats because they were ignored. But suddenly they’re cool! I bought the first one for Gus, but I think Tycho now uses them just as much. (This, of course, resulted in me getting three different tunnels so there wouldn’t be fighting!) The setup pictured above is a collapsible crinkly tunnel (Amazon link) that they both love. It attaches to the cube (Amazon link) with velcro, leaving nice holes for sneaking paws between the cube and tunnel (as seen above!). Both cats have been enjoying the cube/tunnel immensely! (Though they are getting put away tonight so I don’t lose more sleep to 3am shenanigans!)
I know I said in my post about heated beds that Tycho had a month until his next haircut, but I changed my mind this morning. I decided it was better to shave him again now so he has a bit of time to re-grow his fur before it gets colder here! He’s fine inside no matter what, but he can get a little cold out in his catio when he’s just had a haircut! Anyway, I thought I’d write a bit about the challenges of longhaired cats, why Tycho gets shaved, and tips if you are brave/foolish enough to shave a cat. If you just want to see a time lapse of today’s haircut, see this youtube video:
I want to start off by saying that (in the absence of health, behavioral, or other problems) cats are usually better off not being shaved. It takes some effort to maintain a longhaired cat’s coat, so keep that in mind before you get one! You really have to keep on top of their coats or they can get nasty (and painful!) mats in their fur. It is particularly important to get the right tools for longhaired breeds with thick undercoats to make sure you remove some of that undercoat when you brush them. But with regular grooming to keep matted fur away, most longhaired cats are good to go.
Tycho, however, presents a challenge. He hates being brushed. You get one, maybe two strokes in with the slicker brush before he’s trying to bite you. I presume his original owner never groomed him when he was little. Generally if you start when they’re kittens, they will grow to love being brushed! But not Tycho. And no amount of patience and practice on my part has made him any happier about being brushed. He used to be equally bitey about nail trimming, and he’s now 100% ok with that, but brushing is just clearly a no go.
Tycho’s fur also is a bit weird. It’s very difficult to get the undercoat under control because he doesn’t shed like a normal cat (he sheds, just not much and not the undercoat). Also, Tycho is terrible about grooming himself. He’s never been very good about it. As evidence of this, in the 11 years I’ve had him he has never had a hairball, probably because he doesn’t ever lick up much hair! He does at least groom his toes and sometimes his legs, but that’s about it. This has only gotten more true as he gets older. Many older cats have trouble grooming themselves and require more help from their humans to keep fur from getting matted.
So all of this leads to Tycho being shaved regularly. He needs to be shaved about every 3 months or so to keep from getting mats. He started getting haircuts maybe a year or two after I got him, and those haircuts were done by professional groomers (I used the groomers at PetSmart, they were very good!). They generally did a lion cut, because most of his trouble with mats is on his belly and back legs.
But as he got older, I started to worry more about the stress of going to the groomer. He would always be there for a few hours because they would bathe him then shave him. So I decided to give it a try at home. I will stress here that shaving a cat is not easy and they’re not the best animal to learn on if you’ve never used clippers before. So I can’t say I super recommend doing this yourself! I had experience clipping horses, so I know my way around clippers. And Tycho is extremely cooperative about haircuts in the scheme of things. I certainly think that your cat’s first haircut needs to be done by a pro. Try to stay and watch to get a sense of how the cat reacts. Try this at home if and only if your cat is cooperative and there’s some compelling reason why the pro isn’t a great option (like stressful car rides, etc!) and you have pre-existing clipper skills. You also need to watch a bunch of cat clipping videos to see how to approach the unique challenges of clipping a cat (I’m going to give some pointers below, but definitely do more research!). Otherwise, leave it to the pros!
If you are going to try this at home, you’ll need some quality clippers. If you’re not spending of order $80-100 on those clippers, you’re not getting good enough ones for the job. They also need to be the kind that plug in, not battery operated or rechargable. Battery operated clippers don’t have the power to quickly clip through the thick undercoat of a longhaired cat. The recommended blades for cats are #10. I buy the part ceramic ones because they stay sharper. I typically get 3 or 4 haircuts out of a pair of blades before they get too dull. If your cat tolerates a bath before the haircut, the blades will stay sharp longer, but Tycho hates baths. So I just replace my blades more frequently. You will also need a can of blade lubricant/coolant. If you go to a nice, bit pet store (like PetSmart), the employees there can help you find all the right stuff!
Once you have your clippers and blades, you’ll need some towels, your regular cat grooming supplies, and lots of treats. You also should have a pet first aid kit with styptic powder, just in case you cut your cat (you should have these anyway). I’ve never cut Tycho while grooming him, but better to be prepared!
You will also need to accept that you are going to make an unholy mess during the haircutting process. I reccomend doing haircuts in your largest bathroom and doing it right before you plan to vacuum the whole house (once freed from the bathroom, your cat will drop little tufts of fur all over as they run away).
The position for getting started is to kneel on a towel towel with your legs making a v-shape, and hold the cat between your legs up against your torso. The towel is important to give the cat some traction (sliding around on tile is no good!). I always trimming Tycho’s nails (believe me, you want to do this first!) and rewarding him with greenies treats. Then I usually start the clipping with a few passes in the direction of hair growth to get rid of the bulk of the hair (followed by more greenies!). Then I clip against the direction the hair grows to get a smooth cut. You have to be super careful to hold the skin taut and flat so you don’t cause any cuts! This is especially important when trimming bellies and near legs where there is loose skin. When in doubt, don’t risk trying to get a smoother/closer shave! Just let it go and know that the haircut isn’t going to be perfect. You also need to check the temperature of the clipper blades frequently. Those things get hot (which is why you need the coolant!). Ever few swipes, I check them against my own skin to make sure they’re not hot yet.
Tycho is super cooperative about being shaved, but I still make sure to take lots of breaks for treats! I’ve gotten a lot faster over the years, but the haircut process still takes me about half an hour. So we take a few breaks to just sit and purr in-between particularly tricky areas. I save the insides of his back legs for last because that’s the part he will growl and hiss about. Unfortunately, that’s where he gets mats, so it must be shaved! One tip for making problem areas go more smoothly is to briefly cover the cat’s head with a towel when you’re doing their least favorite part, especially if they are prone to biting. It would also be best to have a second person to help hold the cat (I don’t do that because Tycho is happier if it’s just me, but a second set of hands would be nice!). Whatever you do, keep the time where the cat is upset short! When I started giving Tycho haircuts, I was slower than I am now, so I used to spread Tycho’s haircuts over two days to minimize the unpleasant bits. He really is good and even purrs through a lot of the shaving! But I get about a 30 seconds to a minute to do his belly and back legs before he gets really upset. So know your cat!
My haircuts will never look as good as the professionals manage, but they get the job done with a minimum of stress for Tycho! I generally stick to a lion-ish cut (where you leave a bit of “mane” around their neck and a tuft on their tail). I once tried to do a dragon cut, but I just don’t have the skills and had to just finish shaving his back! Made for funny photos though!
You can see the video of today’s haircut (sped up by a factor of 10) here:
You can hear some funny, sped up, high-pitched growling when I do his legs! But rest assured, he’s ok and forgave me. Within 10 minutes of the end of the haircut, he was back purring in my lap. Then he (as I predicted) went for a nap in his heated bed!
If you’ve been brave and or foolish enough to give your cat a haircut, let me know how it went in the comments!
I have added a disclaimer to my blog sidebar indicating that this site is participating in the Amazon Associates program. I just wanted to write a short post about why I did that and what it does/doesn’t mean.
First, the primary purpose of this site is to share stories, experiences, and knowledge related to cats, not to make money. However, part of sharing my knowledge about cats is recommending products I’ve found super useful over the years! I have purchased a lot of cat products, and not all of them are great. The purpose of sharing recommendations for specific products is to save you the trouble of trial and error (and save you money!) if you happen to have similar needs! One of the easiest ways to help people find most of the specific products I’m talking about is to link to Amazon. Not everything I recommend is available there, but I buy a lot of G&T’s things there! Amazon has a program where I can tag links in my blog with my affiliate id so that if someone happens to click that link and buy the product I was talking about, I get a small advertising fee. I decided to try it out, because why not!? I am advertising products, even if it is just to share my experiences! Any small fees I collect (if anyone even does buy the things I recommend!) will get spent on new pet products for G&T to try out! In the interests of full disclose, I will try to make sure to mark every Amazon link as an Amazon link, and the Amazon disclosure will always be in the side bar!
However, this potential for (likely extremely small!) monetary gain does not influence any of my recommendations! I promise that I’m not recommending products to try to make anyone money. I’m trying to help out fellow cat owners! I just figured that Amazon might as well not be the only one who benefits from any of my links that happen to lead to purchases! G&T might as well benefit too (by getting new toys!).
It’s finally starting to cool down, even in Arizona. If you follow G&T on twitter, you will know that that means Tycho’s heated beds are starting to see more use again! They’ll get even more use after his next haircut, which will be in about a month! I leave at least one plugged in most of the year (the apartment is air conditioned after all), but the heated beds really become kitty magnets when the temperature starts to drop.
There are a large number of heated cat bed products available (at a wide range of prices!), but I’ve found the cheapest option to be purchasing K&H pet bed warming pads (which can be found here on Amazon) and incorporating them into existing bedding. These pads don’t use too much electricity, but they do get quite warm. So you have to enclose them in at least several inches of padding to make sure they’re not too hot for your cat! I typically wrap the pads in several layers of a folded fleece blanket and nestle the whole bundle into one of the larger pet beds. (You can buy pet beds with slots designed for heating pads, but as all my pet beds come from the discount store, I don’t have any of those!)
Another great option for padding out the heating pads are Purr Padds (that’s a brand name, Amazon link here). I’ve got a long heating pad on the back of the couch folded into a blanket with a Purr Padd on top and that is by far Tycho’s favorite spot in the house!
Gus is not as into kitty beds as Tycho. He prefers the comfort (and crinkly sounds!) of plain brown paper for many of his naps. But even he is sometimes drawn to the fleece wrapped heating pad in the cat tree perch!
I’ve been pretty happy with the durability of the K&H heating pads (I finally had one die last year after 10 years of use, so not bad!), and I like that you can buy a variety of sizes to make any of your cat’s favorite sleeping spots warmer. Plus the small pads (which are a nice size for cats) can often be found for only $10! I can also vouch for the same company’s very durable outdoor heating pads which are great if you have a catio or screened in porch for your kitty. Growing up our barn cats like Kepler really enjoyed having similar heated perches in the cold winters! I know some people put them out for feral kitties too.
Become your cat’s favorite person by getting them a heated bed!
Continuing in the theme of my kittieconomics posts, I want to discuss one of the larger, and less obvious, parts of my G&T related budget: pet sitting. The reason this is a (shockingly) large part of my cat budget is that I travel a lot, mostly for work. But even if you don’t travel as much as I do, you need to think about how to care for your pet when you go out of town at some point!
You have a few options for how to handle being gone. Some people have very low maintenance cats and are ok just leaving them with enough dry food (or an automatic dry food feeder) for a few days. Neither I nor my cats are chill enough for such an arrangement (and they eat wet food, which can’t be left out). I can’t handle leaving my cats alone for more than 24 hours, so they get a sitter even for overnight trips. I like to know that someone is checking on the cats every day, so any health issues that pop up will get noticed reasonably quickly. It also ensures that the litter boxes are always clean and that their wet food feeding schedule isn’t too disrupted by my traveling!
If you have a trusted nearby friend or neighbor to trade pet sitting duties with, that can be a great, low cost to free option for when you travel. I say low cost because unless you are swapping a fairly equal amount of pet sitting (or comparable favors), I think it’s nice to at least give a gift in exchange for pet sitting! I have totally done the occasional holiday cat sitting for free for friends and not minded at all, but if someone regularly takes care of your animals while you’re away and you can’t return the favor (because they don’t travel as much, or whatever), you’ll definitely want to figure out a way to thank them!
Another option is to take your pet to a boarding facility. This tends to be less ideal for cats than it is for dogs because cats are generally not comfortable in new situations, so boarding them can be very stressful. One advantage boarding facilities have over asking someone to visit your home once or twice a day is that your pet can be more closely monitored. This can be important if they need frequent medications or are having health problems. I have boarded Tycho at PetSmart’s Pet Hotel a few times over our 11 years together because I was too worried about his health to leave him alone at home during a trip (his Banfield vets were in the same store if problems came up!). But in general I don’t really like boarding for cats. They’re much happier staying in their own home environment!
My solution when I travel is almost always to hire a professional pet sitter to visit G&T once a day at home. I like this because I travel too much (and live on the wrong side of town) to ask friends to pet sit as a favor. I also feel more comfortable giving this job to a pro, just in case something goes wrong! I contract my pet sitter through a company, Fetch Pet Care. The company has locations in many cities where a local franchise owner manages a whole bunch of local pet sitters who have been approved and have gone through appropriate background checks, etc. I have a primary sitter who came over to meet me and the cats before her first assignment with them. She is almost always the one who takes care of G&T when I’m gone, and she keeps a copy of my house key so she can be called upon whenever. But the nice thing about using a company rather than just one individual is that the owner also has a key and a copy of the instructions for taking care of the cats. So if my primary sitter becomes ill (or otherwise becomes unavailable) while I’m gone and suddenly can’t take care of G&T, there’s a built in backup. It also means that if she happens to be on vacation when I’m traveling, the company can easily send someone else without me having to worry about setting up a time to meet, hand over keys, etc. I’ve been a Fetch customer for about 10 years now and I have been super happy with them.
Of course, the downside of professional pet sitting is the expense. Daily charges vary depending on where you live, but for me it’s $23 per visit (the pet sitter stays for about 30 minutes each visit to cuddle/play with the cats, feed them, and take care of their litter boxes). When you think about the fact that someone has to spend time commuting to and from your house as well as the time spent with the pets, it’s an entirely fair cost. But it does add up if you’re gone for a week or more at a time! However, I feel it’s worth it for the peace of mind from knowing that a professional is looking after G&T. It’s also super handy when I have (inevitable) travel delays to be able to just text the sitter to add an extra visit as necessary.
So, before you adopt a new pet, make sure you think about how you will handle taking care of them when you travel! You might need to adjust your pet-related budget to include the use a professional pet sitter. (And if you travel as often as I do, be ready for it to be a large portion of your pet budget!) If you already have pets, let me know how you handle being gone!
Breakfast time here is a bit of a production. The cats are well trained not to wake me up for breakfast (waking me up delays breakfast without fail), but once I’m up, feeding G&T is a multi-step process. First, Tycho has to take an antacid pill every morning before breakfast because his stomach gives him trouble (I still have to clean up more cat puke than I’d like, but the pepcid ac helps!). Then I have to mix a joint supplement/mild pain reliever into Tycho’s wet food (he’s an old man with a few mild health issues!). After the cats finally get to eat their wet food (the wait feels like forever to Gus!), I’m left to clean up (and then finally get to eat my breakfast!). Cleanup usually involves having to wipe down Tycho’s eating area because he’s pretty messy. I actually attached shelf liner to the wall behind his placemat because I got tired of scraping dried cat food off the paint.
Two things have helped streamline breakfast a little bit. The first is using Greenies pill pockets to deal with Tycho’s daily pill. They’re little squishy pockets that you put the pill into and seal the opening by mushing it together. And because they’re Greenies brand, and Tycho loves all things Greenies brand, he happily eats it like a treat, pill and all! I know that these don’t work for all cat owners (some cats figure out that there’s a pill inside and spit it out), but if you have to give your cats a pill, they’re worth a try! It’s certainly less of a nightmare than trying to shove a pill down Tycho’s throat every morning!
The second thing that helps with mealtime was switching to using plates to feed the cats instead of bowls. There are a few benefits here. First, the plates fit in the dishwasher more easily than the bowls, so breakfast cleanup is simplified by not having to think about the geometry of how best to fill the dishwasher with bowls while making sure everything will come out clean.
The plates also mean the cats eat more of their wet food. No more food smushed into the corners of bowls where it gets overlooked! Gus almost always licks his plate totally clean! Tycho also strongly prefers eating from a plate, possibly because of a thing that’s referred to as “whisker fatigue“. Basically some cats don’t like eating from bowls because their whiskers rub against the edges of the bowls. I originally started using plates because I would run out of clean pet bowls before the dishwasher was full enough to run. When I noticed Tycho preferred them, I decided to buy the cats their own plates for wet food (I do still use bowls for their supplemental dry food because the bowls keep those crunchies better contained!).
The last benefit is that small plates are a lot cheaper than pet bowls! I bought G&T a variety of small plates and tea saucers from Goodwill for less than $1 each. I went with Corelle brand plates because Corelle is lightweight and very difficult to break (my own set of dishes is Corelle too!). They tend to be relatively easy to find at Goodwill because they’ve been very popular over the years (though they’re pretty cheap new too, so you could pick then up at Walmart of Target!). Plus they come in lots of different patterns, so G&T have quite the eclectic set to eat from!.
Because I use 6 plates a day for the cats (the spoiled brats get breakfast, dinner, and a bedtime snack! but at least only breakfast comes with the added complexity of medications!), the fact that I could cheaply buy a bunch of these and that they fit compactly in the dishwasher is really nice! Now we never run out of clean kitty dishes!
People who have been to my apartment have noticed that there are scratching posts (and other things meant for cat scratching) in every room. I feel that this is they key to keeping G&T happy and keeping my furniture free from kitty claw marks! This post will share some tips for finding your cats the kinds of scratchers they prefer as well as some specific product recommendations (bottom of the post) based on my years of cat product testing!
The first thing you’ll want to figure out is whether your cat prefers horizontal or vertical scratchers! Tycho has zero interest in scratching things on the floor. He thinks those horizontal cardboard scratchers are only good for sitting on. When he exercises his claws, he wants a good vertical stretch!
You will also need to experiment with different materials for the scratchers. Gus likes both horizontal and vertical scratching, but he is mostly interested in carpeted scratchers. He will scratch cardboard pads, but he loves to attack the carpeted bases of the scratching posts. For his vertical scratching, he won’t touch the sisal rope covered posts that Tycho likes (I think they are too rough for his sensitive paws!). He only wants carpeted posts. I figured this out by looking at the base of our cat tree, which was only worn in a few (carpeted) places. Once I bought a soft, fully carpet covered tall post, he was a happy kitty!
It can take a little trial and error to sort out a cat’s preferences. Before I bought Gus the carpeted post pictured above, I had purchased a post covered in a more industrial type of carpet (think those carpet squares they use in office buildings). That was a bust and he never touched it. But I had to keep it for several months to be sure! When I first bought Tycho a tall scratching post, he ignored it for at least 2 or 3 months before it became his favorite thing ever. It’s worth spending the time and money to figure it out though, because finding a favorite scratching apparatus will (hopefully!) save you and your furniture from harm! During the search, it is handy to have other cat owning friends to trade with. While sorting out Gus’s preferences, I was able to trade with BobTheBlob of @ObservatoryCats fame, giving him that industrial carpeted scratcher Gus hated in exchange for a cardboard one that Bob ignored.
Specific Products I Like
I’ve purchased a lot of scratchers over the years. These are some products currently available on Amazon that I recommend based on quality and price. (Post and links edited 11-18-17 to add: All links are to Amazon pages. If you use these links to purchase these items, I might earn a small fee, see post here.)
Tall scratching posts:Classy Kitty 32″ Sisal Post and Classy Kitty 32″ Carpet Post posts. I have 5 of these, including the ones pictured above. They cost about $20-$35 each (price fluctuates), which is likely way cheaper than what you’ll find at your local pet store. They are nice and tall, and the bases are sufficiently heavy for my ~11 pound cats to go nuts without fear that the posts will tip over. If you have a ~20 pound cat, I’m not 100% sure they would be stable enough, but you can always stick a concrete paver block on the base to stabilize it, which is what I had to do with my cat tree. My only complaint is that the carpeted posts shed little carpet fibers that I have to vacuum up. I suspect that also means they won’t last years and years without needing to be replaced, but that’s a small price to pay for Gus to have his fun. The sisal posts are super durable and barely show wear after almost two years of Tycho’s best efforts to shred them.
Leaning scratcher: This 25″ lean-it scratching post is the one Gus didn’t like (because it was the wrong kind of carpet). But I liked the quality for the $20 price tag, and it works well as a horizontal or vertical scratcher (it leans against the wall very nicely with the grippy rubber ends). If your cat is into that more industrial type carpet, I think they would like this!
Cardboard scratchers: The PetFusion brand scratchers are hands down the best in this category. I won’t purchase anything else. The basic one is $20 and lasts nearly forever. The cardboard is much denser than other brands and doesn’t shed off that super annoying cardboard confetti when the cats scratch it. The one pictured below is almost 2 years old.
If you have any favorite scratching products, let me know in the comments!
Vet care is definitely one of the larger portions of my Gus and Tycho related budget. But thanks to G&T’s Banfield wellness plans, it’s not actually the most expensive part of their overall care! (I’m not cool enough to have sponsors, so this is not a sponsored post. I just really really love G&T’s Banfield plans and frequently recommend them to others!). In the last kittieconomics post, I talked about the costs of spaying/neutering and kitten vaccines. Today’s post is about how price gouging at one vet office led me to discover a better way to provide Tycho with routine preventative vet care!
When I adopted Tycho in 2006, I chose a vet for him based mostly on proximity (he does hate long car rides!). His first checkup went ok, and the fees were typical. But when I took him in for his second checkup, things took a turn. Tycho’s teeth were not in good shape, and they needed to be cleaned. The vet there also said that at least 3 of his teeth needed to be pulled. Their cost estimate for the teeth cleaning and extraction: over $900!
Now, dental cleaning for cats is not as simple or easy as it is for humans. It’s considered a surgical procedure because the cats are put under anesthesia for it. That means most vets want to do blood work before the procedure to make sure that it’s safe to put them under, and they have to stay at the vet office for several hours afterwards to recover. But still, $900 seemed ridiculous. I also wanted a second opinion on whether Tycho really needed to lose so many teeth.
So I left my original vet office without scheduling the dental work, and I called around to other vet offices to get price quotes. I ended up finding a place on the other side of town that was happy to clean Tycho’s teeth for about $200, and they didn’t end up pulling any teeth out.
With the immediate problem solved, I started looking for a new primary vet for Tycho. The place I took him to for the cleaning was too far away for routine care, and it was clear to me that the original vet office was more interested in profit than in Tycho’s well being (it’s been 10 years of annual dental cleanings since I saw that vet, and no one else has though Tycho needed to have teeth pulled).
Funny aside: I recently drove by the vet office I originally took Tycho to, and they’ve gone out of business. They’ve been replaced by a new vet office called the Jackpot vet clinic. I laughed pretty hard at that (though as it’s under new ownership, it’s entirely possible the new clinic is reasonably priced!).
While reviewing options for a new vet, I discovered Banfield pet hospital. Banfield operates vet clinics inside many PetSmart stores, and there happened to be a Banfield just a mile or two from where I lived. I took Tycho there for his next checkup, and they told me about the “Optimum Wellness Plans” they offer. The most basic of these plans covers all the standard routine vet care pets need each year: checkups, vaccines, deworming, some standard annual diagnostic tests, and unlimited office visits. The middle tier plan also includes an annual dental cleaning. The cost varies depending on where you live, but for Tycho the middle tier plan including dental cleaning is $312 (they bill you monthly, so it’s $26 a month). Barring illness or injury, that’s all I would have to pay for his vet care and teeth cleaning each year, which is a really good deal. So I signed him up, and I’ve not regretted it once in the last 10 years. When I got Gus, I signed him up for a plan too (though he doesn’t need his teeth cleaned yet, so he’s currently on the cheaper, $20 a month plan).
Besides being a good deal on routine care, the other awesome thing about these plans is that I don’t get charged for office visits. That means when (as inevitably happens a few times a year) I think one of the cats is sick or injured, I don’t have to wonder if it’s worth paying a $50 office visit fee to get the vet’s opinion. And since Tucson has several Banfield locations, I can almost always get an appointment somewhere the same or next day. If there is something wrong, I do have to pay for treatment because the plans only cover routine, preventative care. But I get a discount on any non-covered care, and Banfield has very reasonable prices. And not paying visit fees saves a lot. When Gus scratched his eye last year, we had to go in three times to make sure it was healing properly and responding to the eye drops. It was really nice that I only had to pay for one eye exam (they had to stain his eye to see the lesion) and the medication rather than paying for all three office visits!
I also really like the vet the kitties usually see, and his approach to their care mirrors my own. He is conscious of cost, and doesn’t recommend pointless tests or procedures (he said he works at Banfield because he didn’t like how the previous practice he was at wanted him to push more expensive treatments). He also clearly loves cats. He pretty much melts every time he sees Gus, and he always refers to the cats as “kiddos” when discussing them.
Routine vet care is important for keeping our furry friends healthy, but it’s not cheap! You might be able to save money using a Banfield plan, so I encourage you to look into it if you’re not happy with your current vet. Other vet clinics also offer similar plans (I know my sister has one for her dog at an independent vet clinic), so it’s something to ask about when looking for a vet!
Share your tips for routine vet care in the comments! And feel free to ask more about G&T’s vet plans! So far I’ve convinced a few people to get Banfield plans (one after a nearly identical attempt at dental cleaning price gouging!), and they all seem happy with the choice!